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Build a solid foundation in Italian to stop making mistakes!


The course is divided into 12 units. Each unit has a fixed structure with 4 lessons:

🎧 Exposition: listen to a dialogue or read a paragraph.

📚 Grammar: learn grammar naturally and in context with examples from the dialogue or paragraph and do lots of exercises.

🧑‍🏫 Vocabulary: memorize phrases and expressions easily through oral repetition with me.

🍕 Culture: Italian culture pills with short videos to improve your listening skills.

This course is for you if you...

✅ You already understand some Italian but want to speak better.
✅ You are afraid of making mistakes when speaking Italian.
✅ You don't know the basics and need to study them.
✅ You already know the basics but want to go over them and reinforce them so you don't make mistakes again.
✅ You study grammar but can't use it correctly when you speak.

Is this course for me?

This course is NOT for you if you...

❌ You don't care about speaking correctly to Italians. What matters is that they understand you...
❌ You are not interested in speaking the real, authentic Italian that we Italians speak.
❌ You don't care about grammar. Even if you make a lot of grammar mistakes in front of Italians, it's not a problem for you.
❌ You don't want to study and incredibly improve in Italian. You're ok with what you already know.

Check out the course curriculum!




Grammar is essential → Although grammar sometimes can be a bit boring, it is essential to speak a language well. And thanks to Teacher Stefano's easy and fun approach even the most difficult grammar topics will become a passeggiata, that is, as easy as walking! (PS: Grammar is not that boring, come on! 😉)

Lots of exercises → Learning a language takes a lot of practice, which is why each course video is supplemented with exercises to practice what you've learned. We will also give you additional exercises so you can practice your language skills!


Discover Italian traditions → When you learn a language it is very important to know the culture of that country as well. Thanks to this course you will discover many interesting cultural aspects of Italy such as the culture of the passeggiata, Sunday lunch, and tips on how to shop at the supermarket. Thanks to this course you will become part of our culture!

Lots of exercises → Learning a language takes a lot of practice, which is why each course video is supplemented with exercises to practice what you've learned. We will also give you additional exercises so you can practice your language skills!

Grammar is essential → Although grammar sometimes can be a bit boring, it is essential to speak a language well. And thanks to Teacher Stefano's easy and fun approach even the most difficult grammar topics will become a passeggiata, that is, as easy as walking! (PS: Grammar is not that boring, come on! 😉)

Discover Italian traditions → When you learn a language it is very important to know the culture of that country as well. Thanks to this course you will discover many interesting cultural aspects of Italy such as the culture of the passeggiata, Sunday lunch, and tips on how to shop at the supermarket. Thanks to this course you will become part of our culture!


Check out the FAQ section at the end of the page or contact us below!



Studying a language together is more fun. Thanks to our bellissima community, if you want, you can chat with other students and meet new people from all over the world. Plus, in the Question and Answer section you can clear all your doubts directly with Teacher Stefano who will be super happy to help you!

materiale landing page italiano vero base (9).png

Ready to speak Italiano Vero?

✅ 12 units
✅ Video lessons on grammar, vocabulary and culture
✅ Subtitles for each video
✅ Lots of exercises and additional material

✅ Access to a wonderful community


⚠️ Do you want to buy the bundle Italiano Vero Base + Italiano Vero? Click here and save $60!


Tony 🇺🇸

Stefano (with the help of Gaia) is an amazing teacher. He makes difficult concepts become easy to understand. The lessons are thorough, with interesting examples to explain a concept, and most of all he is really funny and kind. He speaks with a very natural flow, very easy to understand and has a super positive energy about him!!!

Tony 🇺🇸

Stefano (con l'aiuto di Gaia) è un insegnante straordinario. Fa sì che i concetti difficili diventino facili da capire. Le lezioni sono approfondite, con esempi interessanti per spiegare un concetto e soprattutto è davvero divertente e gentile. Parla con un flusso molto naturale, molto facile da capire e ha un'energia super positiva su di lui!!

Regiani 🇧🇷

I have been following Teacher Stefano for over a year. I confess I am amazed by the course content, it is excellent, very well organized and structured! I have a lot of difficulties with grammar exercises, due to lack of practice. But this is great, because it pushes me to study even more, I have a lot to learn! I also learn by reading other students' questions and listening to Teacher Stephen's timely explanations!

Regiani 🇧🇷

Seguo Teacher Stefano da oltre un anno. Confesso di essere stupita dal contenuto del corso, è ottimo, molto ben organizzato e strutturato! Ho molte difficoltà con gli esercizi di grammatica, per mancanza di esercizio. Ma questo è ottimo, perché mi spinge a studiare ancora di più, ho molto da imparare! Imparo anche leggendo le domande degli altri studenti e ascoltando le puntuali spiegazioni dell Teacher Stefano!

Do like Regiani and Tony and start speaking now the real and authentic Italian we speak in Italy!

In a few months...

✅ You will be able to speak more easily and confidently with Italians

✅ You will finally use the grammar you study in conversations
✅ You will no longer make grammar mistakes

✅ You will have a solid foundation for your Italian

What will I be able to do after the course?

Do you think Italiano Vero Base will be too easy for you?

Then check out our Italiano Vero course for intermediate-advanced learners!

(intermediate-advanced level)

If you would like to enroll in Italiano Vero Base instead, click below!

Ciao! I am Teacher Stefano, an online Italian teacher since 2015! I am Italian and I love my country and that's why I decided to share my passion for Italian language and culture on the internet! Thanks to all of you we are over 200K on YouTube, Instagram and TikTok and more than 2500 students have enrolled in our courses. It is a pleasure to have you here.

Ciao! Sono Stefano 👋

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